Since far too often we only publicly say nice things about people when they are dead I’ve decided to randomly pick a Facebook friend every day and say something nice about them.
June 12, 2019
Today’s person: Randy Craig!
When I first started with the Mime Troupe it was quite intimidating. The talent in the room was staggering, the brains and comedy splashed off the walls, and while there were people who greeted me with open, warn, supportive arms, there were also people who stood at arms length waiting for me to prove myself.
Randy was definitely in the first group.
A big smile coupled with a sharp, biting wit, a musician’s musician and singer’s pianist, helpful and courteous and almost old-fashioned in his own way, but with the boisterous edge of someone who could smoke all the weed and eat all the muffins - if they were offered.
Every time I see Randy he has been invariably nice and thoughtful - and that’s saying a lot. Everybody has moods, times when they are struggling against the increasing headwinds of life, and it would be totally understandable if their existential weariness splashed got on you as you met. And while Randy doesn’t always seem happy - because he’s not insane - he does always seem happy to see me, which feels wonderful. And I am always happy to see him